The staff in Foundation Stage 1 are:

Mrs J Boylan  Foundation Stage Team Leader


Mrs A Gopsill       F1










Miss J Nugent                         Mrs J Williams







A very warm welcome to Foundation 1. We offer 5 days of 3 hour long morning or afternoon sessions as well as 6 hour full days for those in receipt of 30 hours childcare funding. Children can attend every weekday morning from 8.45– 11.45am or every weekday afternoon from 12.20 – 3.20pm. Children whose families are in receipt of 30 hours funding can attend from 8:45– 3.20 each day. We welcome children from 3 years upwards.

Our classroom and outdoor areas encourage children to develop into independent leaners. The continuous provision (the familiar resources that are available for your child everyday) reflects the areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. For example, children can choose to make a model in the workshop area; choosing from a wide range of papers, craft materials and 3D to make their masterpiece. Alternatively, they may choose to play in the role play area, dressing up and taking on different roles. Staff will encourage them to develop their mark making skills and perhaps make a ‘list’ to take to the shop. At all times through this process, the staff are talking, listening and playing with the children to develop their speech and language skills and find out more about them. This continuous provision evolves throughout the year to reflect the children’s development. There are also variations to provision through adding enhancements to reflect the theme/topic that we are focussing on at the time.

During each session the children share daily snacks, read stories and rhymes and talk about their current theme/topic. This is an important part of each session as it can be used for adult led learning, as well as developing social skills. Children are encouraged to drink water or milk and to share a healthy snack and build up to cleaning up after their snack. We also encourage children to tidy away toys after using them and to treat our resources with respect. Our mantra is ‘Choose it, use it, put it away!’

Many of the children love to explore the great outdoors. As well as the larger garden with a trim trail, we have an area with a track for the children to enjoy riding on trikes, bikes and scooters. We also have a smaller area that is accessed from our classroom. The children have free access to this area where they can play with sand, water, large construction toys and blocks. We play outdoors in all weathers as every type of weather provides a different learning opportunity. For example, wet weather creates an opportunity to mix powder paint in puddles, in the wind; we can make kites, and the sunshine we can look at shadows. We ask that your child comes to school in suitable clothing, with a warm waterproof coat and sensible shoes. Wellies will also be useful on wet days and a sun hat when days are warm and sunny.

We really look forward to working with you and your children, to ensure that their time in Foundation 1 is a happy, exciting and fulfilling experience.


If you would like to see the work your child is completing each term please see our curriculum pages or our Twitter feed.


Click below to view the latest curriculum overview

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 1 Autumn 1

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 1 Autumn 2

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 1 Spring 1

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 1 Spring 2

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 1 Summer 1

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 1 Summer 2


Here are some of the areas of provision available in Foundation 1:

Snack Table

Maths Area

Small World

Block Play

Mark Making


Role Play Kitchen and Living Room

Book Area