Welcome to Year 4!

The staff in Year 4 are:

Mrs H Passmore   Lower Key Stage 2 Team Leader





Miss N O’Hagan   4O        Mr M Yeowell    4Y              Mr R Smith





Ms K Reilly                           Mrs W Smith                   Snr A Pena





We would like to welcome the parents and pupils starting in Year 4 to meet the staff and find out a little more about how the year will run. Enjoy our presentation:


Year 4 Parent Welcome Information


Click below to view the latest curriculum overviews

Year 4 Half Term Overviews


Useful information:

Click below to view the Long Term Overview for Year 4.

Year 4 Long Term Overview All Subjects


PE kits will be provided and kept in school. We just ask that a named pair of pumps are sent in.


Toast money (50 pence per week) should be paid on parent pay at the beginning of each half term.


We will be sending out newsletters, letters and information regularly on the Parent Info app, please make sure you have downloaded this from your app store.


If you would like to see the work your child is completing each term please see our curriculum pages or our Twitter feed.



Homework Timetable:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spellings to be returned Spelling test and new spellings given out
Homework to be returned Homework given out
Reading books to be returned Reading books given out

Times Tables



We are trying really hard to learn our times tables in preparation for a national test at the end of Year 4. We have gathered together some useful links to help you learn them at home too:


Click here to print a times table test to complete at home.

Please click the following link to access The Purple Mash timed test. 

Another useful website to visit is TT Rock Stars. If you’re unsure of your username and password, please ask your class teacher.

Fancy a sing song to help learn your times tables? Please click the following link Musical Maths.