The staff in Foundation Stage 2 are:

Mrs J Boylan   Foundation Stage Team Leader



Miss T Davies     F2D                Mrs M MacDonough     F2M



Miss L Black                           Mrs M Frost                      Miss Leece



Mrs G Walsh                          Mrs D Carr







Welcome to Foundation 2. We have two Foundation 2 classes, F2D and F2M. Both classes share a cloakroom, toilet area and a well-resourced outdoor space. Children attend from 8:50am until 3:10pm each day. All children are provided with a healthy, well balanced meal at lunchtime and a morning and afternoon snack. We encourage the children to drink milk or water and support them in developing good table manners, eating with cutlery and using good manners.

Our classrooms and outdoor area encourage the children to develop into independent and resilient leaners. The continuous provision (the familiar resources that are available for your child everyday) reflects the areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. For example, children can choose to make a model in the workshop area; choosing from a wide range of papers, craft materials and 3D to make their masterpiece. Alternatively, they may choose to play in the role play area, dressing up and taking on different roles. Staff will encourage them to develop their mark making skills and perhaps make a ‘list’ to take to the shop. At all times through this process, the staff are talking, listening and playing with the children to develop their speech and language skills and find out more about them. This continuous provision evolves throughout the year to reflect the children’s development. There are also variations to provision through adding enhancements to reflect the theme/topic that we are focussing on at the time.


Each day follows the same predictable routine which the children thrive upon as they know what to expect. Please see below:

8:50-9:05 – Self registration

9:05-9:50 – Linked Provision (Including activities which develop fine motor control, turn taking and co-operation)/Reading Practise sessions

9:50-10:10 – Carpet time (Linked to current theme/topic)

10:10-11:20 – Adult led activity/continuous provision activities/Snack area

11:20-11:45 – Phonics

11:45-12:45– Lunchtime and play outside

12:45-12:50 – Registration

12:50 – 1:20 – Focussed Maths Activities

1:20-2:40 – Adult led activity/continuous provision activities/Snack area

2:40-3:10 – Story/Rhyme time


We follow a DfE validated Phonics Programme, ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’. In addition to a daily Phonics session we also provide opportunities through adult-led and child initiated activities for the children to apply their Phonics knowledge. We provide each child with a Phonics keyring which is regularly updated with the sounds and tricky words which the children have been learning. We  also send home a book each week to be shared at home which is well matched to the children’s phonic ability for them to practise applying their knowledge.

Our teaching of Maths follows the progression of the Power Maths and White Rose programmes. The children develop the concept of Maths mastery through Maths talk and practising the skills they’ve learned during play. In addition to adult-led Maths activities it is also embedded into our daily routine. Children are given a wealth of opportunities to talk about Maths and develop their reasoning skills.

We look forward to working with you and your children and greatly value your support.


If you would like to see the work your child is completing each term please see our curriculum pages or our Twitter feed.



Click below to view the latest curriculum overview

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 2 Autumn 1

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 2 Autumn 2

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 2 Spring 1

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 2 Spring 2

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 2 Summer 1

Mersey Park Half Term Overview Foundation 2 Summer 2



Here are some of the areas of provision available in Foundation 2:

Maths Area

Book Area

Role Play


Small World

   Writing Area

Computer Area

Snack Table
