Meet the Team


Miss White                                                Mrs Teasdale

Assistant Headteacher                              Pupil Mentor


At Mersey Park, we care about your child/children beyond their academic abilities within the classroom and value each child as an individual whilst appreciating the ups and downs of life they each face.  The emotional health and well-being of your child is of up-most importance to us, as we want all children that come to our school to be happy and content and to achieve their full potential in life.


We have a special room which is very different from the ‘classroom’ environment, where children can come if they need some ‘time out’. The room has specific features to be relaxing and enhance calmness.


We also offer programs that focus on emotional and behavioural support and learning:

  • Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine – bereavement support


  • Peacemakers – strategies to manage and move on from disagreements

No David! I'm a Peacemaker! | School social work, Kindergarten writing, Character education


  • Anxiety Workshops – tools and strategies to cope with anxiety

How to help a child with anxiety – a therapist's tips | Livi UK


  • Brick Therapy – develops social and communication skills



  • Elephants’ Tea Party – develops skills to understand loss and bereavement

  • Drawing and Talking Therapy –  This is a child-centred therapy focusing on prevention, early intervention and recovery of mental health issues.
  • Next Step Cards – Offers structured conversations with young people who may be struggling with their emotional health and wellbeing.

Next Step Cards - funded training places across Cheshire & Merseyside



  • Circle of Friends – Helps children to work with their peers to provide support and engage in problem solving.

Circle of Friends - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton


Each programme is led and facilitated by a trained member of pastoral staff and is carried out within an informal setting, either within a small group or one-to-one, depending on the programme.  They all allow the children the space to share as much or as little of their worries, troubles and struggles as they choose, either verbally or creatively and indirectly through various arts and crafts, food fun, role play and much more.  Children who have completed the programmes have all, without exception, found this support incredibly beneficial and a positive experience all round.

If you feel that your child may benefit from any of these programs or you would like to hear more about them, please do not hesitate to contact the school and speak to your child’s classteacher or Miss White, Assistant Head.

We work hard to help the children to understand that there are people out there that can help them. One of the paths they could take for help would be to contact Childline. Here’s a video to show what happens if you do call them:


Here’s a video to watch if you would like some help to cope with anxiety:


For more information please follow this link to our website page: Mental Health Support.