At Mersey Park we take the care of our children very seriously. In order to care for them we also try to support family members. We have a designated Home/School Liaison Officer, Mrs Carol Hardy.

She is available to talk over the phone or meet face to face during school hours and can be contacted through the school office (0151 647 8197).

She has a wide ranging role in school and can offer support to pupils and parents/carers creating a positive link between home and school. If Carol cannot help with an issue, she is able to re direct parents/ carers to someone who can.

Mrs C.Hardy
(Home/School Liaison Officer)









Please see below for a range of services that provide support for parents/carers in school’s locality or nationally:

Family Toolbox

Family Toolbox - Koala North West

Family Toolbox  is available to all Wirral’s parents and carers. It aims to make resources and support more readily available, putting the power right in the hands of families to work out what you want to change, and what steps you want to take to do that.  You and your family can access support as and when you feel you need it. This is what you can expect from them:


  • We give tools, not answers. We believe that everyone has skills and strengths, so when people need a helping hand, we see what’s already strong and coach to build up knowledge, skills and confidence. In all our relationships – whether families, communities or colleagues – we always do with, not to.
  • We work together. We don’t just work together to get a great result: working together is, in and of itself, a great result. Everything we do is about building positive relationships (professionally and personally), so we put time, effort and commitment into building relationships with one another, being shaped by the perspectives and experiences of those around us.
  • We make sure families stay in control. We are removing the language and behaviours of referrals, professional assessments, levels and thresholds so that we can really get to the heart of what’s going on for families, as and when they choose.
  • We keep things simple for families. We prioritise people, over systems, processes and procedures. It’s simple to get involved with – we’re joined-up and accessible and we make sure that families can access something that can help them straight away. We speak in simple terms, and talk about asking for help as the way you show you’re a great parent – not a failing one.









Koala North West

Volunteer Home Visiting Family Support Mentor | Koala North West | | CharityJob

Koala North West is a charity organisation that looks after the emotional wellbeing of families, offering practical support and solutions to everyday parenting and childcare. We work with a team of dedicated volunteers who are experts in their field to bring you the dedicated support you deserve.

Home for Koala North West is our hub based in Birkenhead. It is here that our organisation is administrated from and which provides such fantastic facilities, enabling us to deliver a diverse range of services for the benefit of our families.

Our facilities consist of extensive play areas and sensory room. There is also a parent’s lounge, where parents and carers can relax and meet other families, along with a garden and sheltered outdoor area, which can be enjoyed whatever the weather.

Our Services:

❖Family Support ( 0-11 years)

❖Wirral Family Tool Box

❖Breastfeeding Support

❖Sleep Support (1-11 years)

❖Early Learning (0-5 years)

❖SEND support (2-11 years)

❖Little Lungs (0-11 years)

❖Baby & Me ( Antenatal & beyond)

❖Bump, Baby & Beyond (0-2)

Contact details: 0151 608 8288


Birkenhead Family Hubs

Round up: What's on offer at Wirral's Family Hubs? | Wirral View

Find your Family Hub at:

Brassey Gardens Family Hub – Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm Tel: 0151 666 3323
2 Brassey Street, Birkenhead, CH41 8DA

Equilibrium – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Tel: 0151 647 6044
Livingstone Street Play & Community Centre, Birkenhead, CH41 3HX

St James Centre – Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm,Tel: 0151 670 9974
344 Laird Street, Birkenhead, CH41 7AL

Koala North West – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Tel: 0151 608 8288
Woodchurch Lane, Birkenhead, CH42 9PH

Satellite Hub: Rock Ferry Children’s Centre – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Tel: 0151 666 3151
Ionic Street, Birkenhead, CH42 2BL

What is a Family Hub?

Family Hubs are spaces where families can easily access a wide range of non-judgemental support to help them live well in Wirral. They bring together maternity services, health visitors, library and foodbank services and children’s centre activities.

Wirral’s Family Hubs make services easier to navigate and more joined-up, ensuring families receive the right service at the right time.

Family Hubs really expand on the offer of Wirral’s children’s centres, offering support to families with children aged 0-19, and up to age 25 for young people with special education needs (SEND).

They will each offer the same core services – with extra support tailored to the needs of the local communities they serve.

What support can I access at any Family Hub?

Wirral’s Family Hubs provide a ‘core’ offer, meaning all hubs will host:

  • group activities for families to support their child’s development
  • access to health appointments with midwives
  • health visitors
  • access to services when relationships in your life might need some support

Library and foodbank services are also available at some hubs.


School Nurse Drop-in Clinic

The School Nurse Drop-In clinic is for all Primary and Secondary age young people from 5-19 in the Wirral, as well as their families/carers to provide advice and support around topics such as:

  • Bullying
  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Healthy eating and exercise
  • Neurodiversity and behaviour
  • Relationships and friendships
  • Sexual health and puberty
  • Smoking, vaping, alcohol, drugs, and online safety
  • Vaccinations
  • Dental health

This Drop-In clinic runs every Thursday 4pm-6pm at the Health Visiting Hub at St Catherine’s Health Centre, including during school holidays.  For more information see the poster below:


Talk Pants

Talk Pants is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. With the help of a friendly dinosaur, Pantosaurus, it helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.  Follow the link below for more details:
Talk Pants


Next Chapter – Online Courses Available for Parents

Homepage - Next Chapter NW CIC

Below are details of online courses available from Next Chapter.

Please see each slide for details of how to apply to take part.

If you would like support from school to enable you to access these courses please contact the school office.

Managing Me Lifelong Learning

Developing Positive Communication

Dare to Be



Winston’s Wish

Twelve things I wish I’d known about grief (Winston’s Wish)

From the often talked about ‘five stages of grief’ to the idea that grieving people should be crying all the time, there are many common myths about grief. The Winston’s Wish team look at the truth behind these myths and reveal 12 things you should know about grief.

Winston’s Wish has services for deaths in particularly difficult situations, for example, suicide, in the military or emergency services and as a result of murder or manslaughter.

See here:

Read the rest here:



Action for Children: Parent Talk

Down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust.

We’re here for you, when you need us.

Find answers to parenting questions in our advice articles.

Talk to a parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you.

It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.

Follow the link below for the Action for Children Parent Talk page.



Health & Well-being Hub

If you would like to pop in to the Wirral Health & Well-Being Hub for support and guidance Wirral’s 0-19 team is offering weekly drop-in clinics for school
aged children, young people and their families. Find out more on the flyer below:




National Sleep Helpline

Please see the advice below from The National Sleep Helpline:













Domestic Abuse Support and Help in Wirral – It’s Never Ok

Click here for advice and support under the following headings:

  • What is domestic abuse?
  • How to report and stay safe
  • Support for victims and survivors
  • Wirral Family Safety Unit
  • Information for perpetrators


Wired Carers

We receive lots of information about free sessions to support the whole family rather than upload them all individually you can follow the link below to see which might be useful for your own situation.

If you would like to attend any of these sessions you will need to book a place by calling The Wired Carers Helpline on 0151 670 0777.


Child Exploitation

If you would like more information about Stopping Child Exploitation please click here to read a leaflet from Pace (Parents against Child Exploitation).

By clicking here you can access a leaflet from the NSPCC to help you, as parents and carers, talk to your children about staying safe using the acronym PANTS.


Wirral Lifelong Learning

We have also received information from Wirral Lifelong Learning about courses running locally. If you would like more information below is a copy of the letter we have sent all our parents and carers or you can follow the link through to the Wirral Lifelong Learning website to see their full list of courses:

Wirral Lifelong Learning Parent Courses letter

Wirral Lifelong Learning Website


St Catherine’s Community Centre

Here is a Free IT & Biscuits session that is
happening at St Catherine’s every Wednesday!

Other Useful Links has written guidance including Covid-19 support for victims of domestic abuse.

Health Watch Wirral

Healthwatch has built a Directory of Services that work with Wirral residents. It’s very easy to use and covers a wide range of issues that people may need help with.

My Mind
An NHS website run by CAMHS developed for everyone interested in the mental health and well-being of children and young people across Wirral and Cheshire.

Wirral Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
Website pertaining to children’s services with regards to Safeguarding.

Wirral Autistic Society
Information about services offered by the Society.

Involve North West

A support service offering a range of advice to families.

A very useful site offering support for all aspects of family life especially when times are hard and life is a struggle.

A link to the NSPCC’s advice pages.

NSPCC Postive Parenting

A guide to help with positive parenting at home.

Home Start Wirral
A useful link to a friendly home based support for families on Wirral.

Talk to Frank

A useful link for worries about alcohol or substance misuse.

Get-Self Help

A link providing information about various mental health conditions and self-help resources.


Support and advice for single mums and dads to help meet their family’s needs.

Child Bereavement

A link supporting children through bereavement.

Mind Ed

Information and guidance about children and young people’s mental health, wellbeing and development.


information and advice to those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions.


Resources and information for children and adults whose lives are affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Reading Well

Wirral libraries stock a number of books to promote the benefits of reading for health and wellbeing. Click on the above link to find out more.


Information, advice and support for people that grow up with a disabled brother or sister.

Young Minds

Information and real life stories about children and young people’s mental health, and ways to get help.

Young Minds, Parent Helpline

Information for parents and carers about common mental health and behaviour concerns in children and young people.

The Dove Service

Support to parents and professionals, including counselling for children/young people. The service also offer training on issues around bereavement and loss.


A well-established activity-based therapy service for young people ages 4-15 experiencing bereavement and loss.


Information and a video to teach children that their body belongs to them and they should tell an adult if they’re upset or worried.

My Sleep

Practical resources developed by Wirral Sleep Service, to support families and professionals in encouraging good sleeping habits amongst children.

Every Mind Matters

Expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental wellbeing and make them part of your daily routine.