Please click on the link below for admission arrangements to school:
Foundation Stage 2
If your child is due to start Foundation 2 in September 2025 you can apply online through the Wirral website found here. Before you make your application it is strongly advised that you read the authority’s information booklets for parents and the admission policy for the school. The deadline for applications is January 2025.
Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery)

Rights Respecting School: Article 28
Every child has the right to an education
All families can access 15 hours free nursery provision in the term after their child is 3 (more information below). We can offer parents the government’s target of 30 hours of nursery provision a week for eligible families. If there are places remaining once we have allocated the morning and afternoon sessions then we will offer 30 hour places to those eligible.
Our nursery is open from:
Morning Session 8.45am to 11.45am
Afternoon Session 12.20pm to 3.20pm
Sessions run for 38 weeks of the year, during term time only.
For those children attending full time, lunch is 11.30 – 12.20pm (Parents are asked to supply a packed lunch)
In order to support families with siblings at Mersey Park, timings of sessions have been organised to mirror the times of the school day. This equates to 33 hours and 45 minutes per week free Foundation One provision and is supplemented by school at no additional cost to parents.
When Can Children Start?
If places are available children become eligible from the term after their third birthday.
- children born between 1 January and 31 March become eligible in April (Summer Term)
- children born between 1 April and 31 August become eligible in September (Autumn Term)
- children born between 1 September and 31 December become eligible in January (Spring Term)
The entitlement will last until your child is in full-time education.
How Do We Claim for Funding?
Families don’t need to claim for the 15 hours funding. This is a Universal offer. We will simply register your child. Families wanting to know more about the government’s 30 hour offer and how to apply for funding should follow refer to the Wirral Council website.
When you register for 30 hours funding you will be given a code (which should start with 500), we will need this code so please make a note of it.
To apply for a place in our Foundation 1 provision, please return the completed application form to the school office along with:
- your child’s Birth Certificate
- proof of your address (e.g. recent bank statement or utility bill)
- proof of funding eligibility
The school receives funding for Foundation 1 on a termly basis from the Local Authority. Therefore, if you accept a Foundation 1 place at Mersey Park Primary it is expected that your child will complete each term in full. Funding will not be available to a new provider during a term, expect in exceptional circumstances, agreed in advance with the Headteacher. If your child has a part time place funding will not be split, for a full time place the funding will only ever be split on a 50/50 basis.
How Are Admissions Managed?
We can only offer 52, part time places (15 hours) or 26 full time places (30 hours)
Admission are prioritised in the following order:
- Looked After Children are admitted as a priority
- Any children with siblings at the school
- Children living in the school’s catchment area
- Children living nearest to the school
If we are over- subscribed available places will be offered on this basis.
Parents should apply for a place in Foundation 1 by completing an application form available from the school office. The application is made directly to the school.
Places for the next academic year are offered in April. If we are over subscribed places will be offered according to the admissions criteria above. Distance is measured using google maps from the main entrance on Elm Road.
‘In Year’ places are offered on availability.
Please click HERE for our online Foundation Stage 1 Application Form