At Mersey Park we take bullying very seriously and regularly remind our pupils to say NO to bullying.

One of the first tasks we complete each year in school is to draw up our Anti-Bullying class contract. Every child gets to have their say and together with the teacher they agree the most important things for their class to include on their contract. Every child then signs it or produces a picture so they know they are all to follow it. Here are some examples:

During our Anti-Bullying Week in November 2017 we talked all about how it’s good to be different. We thought about how we are all unique and the things that make us different. The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors carried out an informative assembly ‘All Different, All Equal’. We were also lucky enough to enjoy an anti bullying performance by ‘Altru’ drama company. Take a look at some of the things we got up to during this week:



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