Please click on the name of the policy you would like to view:

Behaviour Policies

SEMH and Behaviour Policy

Anti Bullying Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy Pathways of Help
Pathways of Help for Pupils

E-Safety Policies

Digital Safety Policy
Social Network Agreement
Mobile Phone and Other Devices Agreement

Medical Policies

Asthma Policy

Medical Care Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in Schools

Administration of Medicines Policy

Other School Policies

Accessibility Plan 2024 2027

Attendance Policy

Charging Policy

Child Protection – Safeguarding Policy  and Appendix

Complaints Policy

Parent and Carer Code of Conduct Policy

(All complaints or concerns should be dealt with by the class teacher initially. If not resolved the complaint will be heard by a senior member of staff or the Head teacher – Mrs M Thomas. If the issue is still not resolved a letter should be written to the Chair of Governors – Mr M Gilbertson)

Information sharing advice

Prevent Policy

Reading Policy

Relationships, Health and Sex Education Policy

CCTV Policy

Certificate of Employer’s Liability Insurance

KS1 Calculation Policy

LKS2 Calculation Policy

UKS2 Calculation Policy

Sun Protection Policy 2024

Inclusion Policies

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Equality Objectives

SEND Policy 2023

For Special Needs information please look at our S.E.N.D information page.

Data Protection

Privacy Notice – Pupils and Families

School Data Protection Policy

If you require a paper copy of any of these policies please call in to the school office and we will be happy to provide one.