Whole School Events news...

RSPB Birdwatch

Our Eco Committee have enjoyed a RSPB Birdwatch – they went to the school allotment to see how many birds they could spot. What great use of the binoculars!

Fun Fitness Friday

What an exciting day! We will definitely be relaxing over the weekend. We have enjoyed a day full of exercise and fun. We can’t wait for the next Fun Fitness Friday!

Christmas Party

We had the best Christmas parties with lots of party games and party food. We even played musical statues and pass the parcel.


Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day

We wore our Christmas jumpers to help raise money for Save the Children. Here are some pictures of the fluffy, funny and colourful jumpers we wore!

Tree Planting

Thank you to our school Eco Team for helping to plant 15 trees that were kindly given to school from the Woodland Trust. Our aim is to help absorb pollution through planting trees around the school grounds.

Well Being Day

At Mersey Park Primary School we look after both our pupils and staff so we recently celebrated ‘Well Being Day’. Year groups carried out various activities throughout the day. Some of us had the opportunity to take part in peer massage- this was very relaxing! Others participated in Lego Therapy, which we loved! One class even had a karaoke session- this made us feel GREAT! Thank you Mrs Porter for our wonderful yoga session. It was a relaxing and lovely day at Mersey Park. We loved coming into school in our comfy slippers!


100% Attendance Award

Well done to all the children that have had 100% attendance this year. We are very proud that you have been in school every day this year. We celebrated with a treat in the park and invited our grown ups along to join in the fun! Thank you to the PTA for making cakes for the celebration.

KS1 Sports Day

The rainy weather did not stop Key Stage One enjoying Sports Day today. We took part in lots of different races and enjoyed cheering each class on!

KS1 Vibrant Vocabulary Parade

The Vocabulary Parade has been a fun way to celebrate our love of wonderful words and varied vocabulary. Lots of children in KS1 have put lots of effort into making their costumes for the Vocabulary Parade. Can you guess which word each child has dressed up as?

Easter Bonnet Competition

Thank you to everyone who entered our Easter bonnet competition. It was a fantastic idea that was organised by Year 2. We had some really creative hats from children of all year groups.