1995 – 2005

Click on the images for a larger view.

1984 – 1994

Click on the images for a larger view. In February 1993 the school was at risk of having to close its crèche facilities so the staff, parents and toddlers joined … Continued

1973 – 1983

Click on the images for a larger view. Take a look at this video to see what Mersey Park Primary School would have been like in 1979-1981.   In 1983 these photographs were … Continued

1962 – 1972

Click on the images for a larger view. . .

1951 – 1961

Click on the images for a larger view. A video of Mersey Park Primary School from 1953:

1940 – 1950

Click on the images for a larger view. Click the link below to see the Logbook from May 1945 when school, like the rest of the country, celebrated VE day! … Continued

1929 – 1939

Click on the images for a larger view.             This photo has been shared by Carolyn Gander (nee Allsopp), thank you for taking the time … Continued

1918 – 1928

Click on the images for a larger view.

1907 – 1917

Click on the images for a larger view.